18 01/2017

Government rules to set up Centre for reforms' implementation

Efficient implementation of the governmental reforms in Moldova and monitoring the progress recorded by the authorities to this end will be ensured by the Centre for Reforms’ Implementation. The cabinet of ministers today approved the setting up of the new public institution.     

The Centre’s task is to ensure an efficient and coordinated implementation of reforms at the government’s level, by creating a modern and efficient administration system. At the same time, the new entity will assess the degree of reforms’ implementation by the public authorities, and if necessary, will intervene with systemic approaches to overcome problems emerged.  

Also, the Centre for Reforms’ Implementation will cooperate with competent international institutions, in order to take over and transpose in Moldova the best practices of administration and attraction of foreign assistance. Such entities have been created in more countries, including Romania, Ukraine, Albania, Serbia, Indonesia and Malaysia.   

The financial means needed for the Centre’s work will be earmarked from subsidies of the state budget and assistance provided by donor institutions. At the same time, financial resources for elaboration and implementation of reforms are seen in the 2017 state budget.  

The new institution was set up to ensure a better implementation of the goals of the Moldovan government’s action programme for 2016-2018 and the strategy on public administration reform for 2016-2020.